kolmapäev, 1. oktoober 2008

Uued eTwinningu projektid

Comeniuse projekt lõppes ära, uuele taotlusele saime seekord eitava vastuse ja nii tulebki rohkem eTwinninguga tegeleda (kuigi see mulle nii ei meeldi, nagu Comenius - ilmselt ikka natuke võõras veel). Tegelikult ma ikkagi tean, miks eTwinning minus erilist vaimustuste ei ärata - koolid ei taha kasutada erinevaid huvitavaid keskkondi - ainult see eTwinning mesting space. Aga wiki`s, wikispace´is, blogger`is saaks palju paremini töid üles riputada ja asjal oleks tegu ja nägu ka.
Aga I poolaasta projektid on nüüd siin:

1) International Christmas

Children will find out how christmas is celebrated in other countries by sharing information about their home country and trying out some of the ideas shared by children in their partner schools.
Õppeained: seob kõiki õppeaineid
Keeled: English
Õpilase vanus: 5 - 11
Kasutatavad tööriistad: e-post, Muu tarkvara (Powerpoint, video, fotod, joonistused)
Põhineb komplektil: Coming soon
Eesmärgid: 1) to use ICT to share our results as well as a communication tool for both... Loe lisaks
Eesmärgid: 1) to use ICT to share our results as well as a communication tool for both teachers and pupils; 2) to collaborate and communicate with teachers and students from different countries; 3)to improve our collaborative skills and our group work methods 4) to broaden our understanding of different cultures Sulge
Töö käik:
Oodatud tulemused: powerpoints photos email

2)Suivons les saisons ( See on 4 aastaaja jälgimise projekt, mida veame ühe Prantsusmaa koolidirektoriga)

observer le cours des saisons de façon croisée en dégageant les aspects biologiques , culturels propres à chacun des 2 pays
Õppeained: bioloogia , geograafia , informaatika/IKT , kunst , loodusteadused , matemaatika/geomeetria , võõrkeeled
Keeled: English
Õpilase vanus: 10 - 11
Subject: e-post, Muu tarkvara (Powerpoint, video, fotod, joonistused), Virtuaalõppe keskkond (kommuunid, virtuaalklassid, …)
Põhineb komplektil: Coming soon
Eesmärgid: développer le sens de l'observation effectuer des mesures , construire de... Loe lisaks
Eesmärgid: développer le sens de l'observation effectuer des mesures , construire des repères échanger des observations découvrir une autre culture à travers les rythmes saisonniers pratiquer les TICE développer l'apprentissage de l'anglais sensibiliser aux modifications dûes au réchauffement global Sulge
Töö käik: 4 saisons et 4 secteurs d'observations: -à l'école ; mesures , climatolo... Loe lisaks
Töö käik: 4 saisons et 4 secteurs d'observations: -à l'école ; mesures , climatologie - dans un endroit hors de l'école ; observations de la flore et faune - à la maison dedans/ dehors l - les activités propres à chaque saison , les jeux , les fêtes les témoignages des anciens sur les saisons Sulge
Oodatud tulemused: travaux en ligne sur le siteweb de l'école mise en des travaux dans l'esp... Loe lisaks
Oodatud tulemused: travaux en ligne sur le siteweb de l'école mise en des travaux dans l'espace virtel E-twinning Production d'un diaporama powerpoint en collaboration Sulge

3)A look into my World (Selle jaoks on poola õpetaja loonud blogi)

We will change some information about our countries, hobby, customs, schools, educational system...
Õppeained: ajalugu , Euroopa õpe , kultuuriajalugu , sotsiaalteadused/sotsioloogia , võõrkeeled
Keeled: English
Õpilase vanus: 6 - 12
Kasutatavad tööriistad: e-post, Materjalide avaldamine veebis, Muu tarkvara (Powerpoint, video, fotod, joonistused)
Põhineb komplektil: Coming soon
Eesmärgid: We are going to introduce our countries, schools, our hobbies.customs, fest... Loe lisaks
Eesmärgid: We are going to introduce our countries, schools, our hobbies.customs, festivals. Poland is for Romania a different country so is Romania for Poland. Both schools will make every work in English, so they can improve their skills. Sulge
Töö käik:
Oodatud tulemused: Children will write emails to their friends in another country about themse... Loe lisaks
Oodatud tulemused: Children will write emails to their friends in another country about themselves, their lifes. We will make some books, posters and pictures about our country, sea, mountains, our landskapes. Sulge

4)An international calendar. How children from Estonia and Poland spend the most important holidays and festivals?

Our project ideas. I want my students (10-12 years old) to create a kind of an international calendar and also to get to know how children in different countries spend the most important festivals and holiday. At the same time I want them to improve their ability to communicate with other teenagers in English. Project description. The first stage is to make project in English focusing on different ways of celebrating holidays, typical Polish customs and traditions. Project should be prepared with the use of different materials, including written forms, pictures, some leaflets, albums, short movies or Power Point presentations. After finishing the first stage children present their projects to other students in our school. Then they exchange their emails with foreign students and try to start communicate with them. The main aim is to improve different skills, share ideas with other people from all over the Europe, and get to know other countries’ customs and traditions. We will also try to prepare an international calendar in printed form.
Õppeained: ajalugu , geograafia , kultuuriajalugu , sotsiaalteadused/sotsioloogia
Keeled: English
Õpilase vanus: 10 - 12
Kasutatavad tööriistad: e-post, Foorum, Jututuba, Materjalide avaldamine veebis, Muu tarkvara (Powerpoint, video, fotod, joonistused)
Põhineb komplektil: Coming soon
Eesmärgid: Main aims: - is to get (the children) to know the most important holidays,... Loe lisaks
Eesmärgid: Main aims: - is to get (the children) to know the most important holidays, festivals and traditions in Poland and in other countries; - is to exchange children’s work, to share ideas with other children - is to learn how to make albums and presentations in Power Point - is to gain and prepare materials for the project - is to learn how to write correctly descriptions and reports of holidays, traditions in English - is to form ability to work in groups, to be responsible for the project - is to make the children interested in cooperating with other children from school and from other countries. - to keep contact with children from other countries by sending e-mails, talking on the Internet Sulge
Töö käik: We are going to work in small groups. At the end of every month we will sen... Loe lisaks
Töö käik: We are going to work in small groups. At the end of every month we will send albums, presentations in Power Point about the most important holiday and festivals in Poland to our partner. The finish result will be an international calendar in printed form and in a web site. October  14.10 Święto Edukacji Narodowej (Dzień Nauczyciela) Teacher’s Day Day of National Education (formerly Day of the Teacher), October 14th  16.10 Dzień Papieża Jana Pawła II Pope John Paul II’s Day (The day dedicated for John Paul II) Day of Pope John Paul II November: Tematyka:  1.11 Święto Zmarłych The Day of the Dead Wszystkich Świętych All Saint’s Day ? 2.11 ?  11.11 Święto Niepodległości Independence Day November 11th  31.11 Andrzejki St. Andrew’s Day December Tematyka:  04.12 Barbórka St. Barbara's Day Miner’s Day  6.12 Świętego Mikołaja (Mikołajki) St. Nicolaus (Santa Claus) Day  24.12 Wigilia Little Star Day- the old name for Wigilia Christmas Eve  25-26.12 Święta Bożego Narodzenia Christmas Day  31.12 Sylwester New Year’s Eve January Tematyka:  1.01 Nowy Rok New Year’s Day  21.01 Dzień Babci Grandmother’s Day  22.01 Dzień Dziadka Grandfather’s Day February Tematyka:  14.02 Dzień Zakochanych (Walentynki) Valentine’s Day March Tematyka:  08.03 Dzień Kobiet Women’s Day  10.03 Dzień Mężczyzn Men’s Day  Wielkanoc (data ruchoma) Easter April Tematyka: • Prima Aprilis All Fools’ Day • 13.04 Dzień Pamięci Ofiar Zbrodni Katyńskiej May Tematyka: • 01.01 Święto Pracy State Holiday • 02.05 Dzień Flagi Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej Flag Day • 03.05 Uchwalenie Konstytucji 3 Maja National 3rd of May Holiday Constitution Day Polish Constitution of May 3 • 26.05 Dzień Matki Mother’s Day  Boże Ciało (święto ruchome) Corpus Christi 9th Thursday after Easter June Tematyka: • 01.06 Dzień Dziecka Children’s Day • 23.06 Dzień Ojca Father’s Day Sulge
Oodatud tulemused: Results: - children will possess the knowledge about holidays, festivals a... Loe lisaks
Oodatud tulemused: Results: - children will possess the knowledge about holidays, festivals and traditions in Poland and other countries (and compare them). - they will learn how to plan and organize their work, how to work in groups, how to cooperate with other children, how to be responsible for the projects. - they will learn how to use English in everyday situations( while chatting) - they will be more open to children from other countries, they will make (new) friends, they will be more tolerant - they will be familiar with computer programmes, cameras and they’ll know how to use them Sulge

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